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Saturday, December 26, 2009

2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs Class

12:13 AM
2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs Class:
2009 Mr. Olympia - 202 lbs class winner is Kevin English. A very entertaining contest of the year. Devid Henry wins 2nd position at this year. a very difficult fight between kevin English and devid henry.

Mark Dugdale (4th) and Eduardo Correa (3rd),
the two men that should have been in second and first place - 2009 Mr. Olympia lbs (202)
Stan McQuay (14th) at 2009 Mr. Olympia - 202 lbs class.

Stan McQuay (14th) at 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

Mark Dugdale received his 4th place winning award at 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

Lee Powell (9th) position holder at Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

Kris Dim (12th) position holder at 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

Kevin English (1st) - 2009 Mr. Olympia - 202 lbs class.

Kevin English (1st) position holder show abdomens at 2009 Mr. Olympia - 202 lbs class.

Jose Raymond (6th) position holder at 2009 Mr. Olympia - 202 lbs class.

John Hodgson (10th) position holder at 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

Jason Arntz (8th) position holder at 2009 Mr. Olympia - 202 lbs class.

James Lewis (5th) position holder at 2009 Mr. Olympia - 202 lbs class.
he look his 2009 Mr. Olympia cristal award and feel very good on stage.

James Lewis (5th) position holder show side chest pose at 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

Eduardo Correa (3rd) position holder should have won the show in
our mind 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

David Henry (2nd) position holder at 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

David Henry (2nd) position holder show his back at 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

Daryl Gee (15th) position holder at 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

Clarence DeVis (13th) position holder at 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

Charles Dixon (11th) position holder at 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.

Tricky Jackson at 2009 Mr Olympia 202 lbs class,
musclebase site-owner called him little dexter jackson,

Clarence DeVis (13th) position holder at 2009 Mr. Olympia 202 lbs class.
he show very entertaining pose at this contest.

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